High-Speed Data Transmission 解决方案

Unlock the Power of 多模光纤

我们的优质多模光纤和电缆旨在提供可靠的, 低功耗和高带宽连接,适用于各种短距离应用,包括:

  • Cloud, Edge 和 Enterprise Data Centers
  • Artificial Intelligence / Machine Learning Clusters
  • 局域网
  • 存储区域网络
  • 设备的房间
  • 中央办公室

多模光纤 和 VCSEL Technology

结合多模布线和基于vcsel的收发器技术的短距离解决方案由于其成本优势已被广泛部署, power consumption 和 reliability. OFS和它的AT&T Bell Labs heritage has been at the forefront of the multimode fiber industry, 在激光优化的OM3和OM4多模光纤的发展中发挥了关键作用, 创新优质的OM4+和OM5多模光纤,设计用于多波长传输. Through relentless focus on manufacturing excellence, 我们不断提高多模光纤的规格和质量,以提供最可靠的用户体验.


LaserWave Multimode 解决方案: Better Fiber for Better Connections

LaserWave 光纤 family offers comprehensive industry-leading quality 和 specifications:

Most Stringent DMD B和width Specifications: 超越EMB和掩码宽度分级技术,提供可靠的系统性能.

Tightest Glass Geometry 和 NA Tolerances for Ultra-Low-Loss Connections: Reliable connectivity performance is crucial for short-reach solutions. 通过卓越的工艺控制,我们加强了LaserWave光纤几何形状和NA规格,以提供超低损耗连接, further improving system robustness 和 reliability.

Exceptional Attenuation 和 Microbend Sensitivity: OFS多模光纤具有业界最低的850nm衰减,并具有我们的专利D-Lux®屏蔽涂层工艺,可提供卓越的保护,防止布线过程中遇到的微弯曲损耗. 结果是,我们的优质多模光纤在现有电缆设计中实现了极低的衰减,并解锁了以前不可能实现的新型高密度多模电缆设计.

LaserWave Multimode Rollable Ribbon Cables

Ultra-Compact Data Center Cables

Improvements to the microbend sensitivity of OFS LaserWave fiber have unlocked Multimode Rollable Ribbon 解决方案 for high-density multi-fiber interconnects (E.g., 400g sr4, 800g sr8).

  • 部分粘结带
  • 滚成一个圆柱体
  • Higher density than flat ribbons
  • 启用带状拼接
  • Ideal for multi-fiber connectors

小巧轻便 R-Pack™ Backbone 光纤电缆s 在要求苛刻的建筑应用中,是静压(12-72纤维)还是双额定(立管/CPR 12-144纤维).

Higher fiber counts are available in AccuRiser I/O Dual-Rated 光纤电缆s (Riser 和 LSZH/CPR 144-864 fibers). AccuRiser电缆简化了从室外到室内使用的过渡,并具有双重火焰等级,可在世界各地普遍使用.


Om3 / om4

  • 卓越的纤维品质: Industry-leading fiber geometry 和 optical parameters
  • 高速功能: Supports network speeds to 800 Gb/s 和 beyond
  • Improved Macrobend Performance: 更好的大弯曲性能可以实现更好的空间利用率和更紧凑的设计, while facilitating jumper MACs
  • Enhanced Network Flexibility: Supports added network flexibility



  • 双频性能: It offers OM5-equivalent performance between 850nm和910nm wavelengths, supporting bidirectional transmission 和 maintaining a 100米到达 for Terabit Ethernet applications
  • 具有成本效益的: Positioned between OM4 和 OM5, 它为BiDi应用提供了一种经济高效的解决方案,而不支持高达953nm的完整SWDM4范围
  • 兼容性: It is fully backward compatible with OM4 st和ards 和 applications, ensuring seamless integration with existing infrastructure



  • High-Speed Data Transmission: 支持今天的应用,包括100/200/400/800 Gb/s以太网和32/64 GFC
  • 能否经得住时间的考验: Ready for next-generation wideb和 networks
  • 优化的性能: 针对使用BiDi和SWDM4应用的100gb /s双工(双光纤)传输进行了优化


Choosing Between 单模与 多模光纤

与单模相比, multimode fiber continues to be the more cost-effective 和 lowest power consumption fiber for short-reach applications (< 500 meters) due to generally cheaper 和 less power-hungry 850 nm VCSEL-based optics. 的 OFS LaserWave family of OM3, OM4和OM5多模光纤支持从10gb /s到400gb /s甚至更高的应用速度. LaserWave宽带OM5光纤为多波长WDM应用提供了更广泛的覆盖范围, including current 和 future BiDi 和 SWDM4 solutions, making it the most future-proof solution.

One of the most important multimode fiber parameters is b和width, which defines the information-carrying capacity of the fiber. OFS在开发和标准化新的创新方法方面处于领先地位,以最大限度地提高和表征光纤带宽,从而实现可靠的系统性能.


多模光纤 Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

How does multimode fiber work?

Multimode fiber continues to evolve, supporting the latest network speeds in enterprise 和 data center networks. 多模技术通过利用技术进步的光纤和光组件开发相结合,保持了其提供最具成本效益的短距离链路的能力. Fiber b和width is a critical component of this equation.


What is multimode fiber used for?

多模光纤系统仍然是较短距离场所中最具成本效益的光纤选择, 校园, 企业局域网, 和 data center applications, 射程可达500 - 600米. 这是因为多模光学仍然比单模光学便宜. 由于不能使用多模光纤,因此必须使用单模光纤.


What is the difference between single-mode 和 multimode fiber?

这两种光纤传输光的方式最终导致了它们各自的名字. Generally designed for systems of moderate to long-distance (e.g., 地铁, 访问, 和长途网络), single-mode optical fibers have a small core size (< 10 µm) that permits only one mode or ray of light to be transmitted. 这个微小的核心需要精确校准,以将光从收发器注入核心, significantly driving up transceiver costs.

多模光纤芯较大,可以同时引导多个模式. 的 larger core makes it much easier to capture light from a transceiver, allowing source costs to be controlled. 类似的, 由于单模光纤更严格的对准要求,多模连接器的成本低于单模连接器.


What is the maximum distance for multimode fiber?

Reach of multimode fiber is dependent on the data rate 和 transceivers used.  Industry st和ards define reaches at given data rates with given transceivers.  例如:

  • 2 kms at 100 Mb/s (100BASE-FX)
  • 1gb /s下1公里(1000BASE-SX)
  • 400 – 600 m at 10 Gb/s (10GBASE-S)
  • 70 – 150 m at data rates ranging from 40 to 400 Gb/s.

收发器制造商提供延伸距离收发器,以实现更长的长度, avoiding the need to use more expensive single-mode optics.  在一般情况下, 多模光纤仍然是短距离应用中最具成本效益的选择.


What is OM3, OM4, 和 OM5 multimode fiber?

50 µm laser-optimized multimode (OM3, OM4, 和OM5)光纤为短距离应用提供了显著的带宽和到达优势,同时保留了多模光纤的低系统成本优势.

今天,62.5µm OM1多模光纤实际上已经过时,只能用于扩建或维修, 低带宽系统. 62.5 µm OM1 fiber supports only 33 meters at 10G, 和 is not even recognized as an option for faster speeds.



宽带OM5多模光纤是一种50微米(μm)激光优化的多模光纤,旨在帮助满足当今基于850nm网络的苛刻要求, 以及下一代多模短波分复用(SWDM)应用.  OFS的LaserWave宽带OM5光纤设计用于支持850 nm至953 nm的多种波长的光传播, unlike OM3 和 OM4 fibers that are optimized for single wavelength, 850海里操作.